Yeah, there’s a missing comma.
Don’t, be evil.
There. Fixed it.
Synth noodling conceptual artist
Yeah, there’s a missing comma.
Don’t, be evil.
There. Fixed it.
This is exactly what he means.
Next up the sanctioned daily hate.
Yes, that town square needs to be happy. That’s a happy democracy!
Mate, the bunting looks awfully like swastikas…
But happy, less negative swastikas, right?
What an unserious human Musk is.
Yeah, I suppose, in a closed system that might he true.
But this isnt a closed system.
Bandcamp, for example is rife with wonderful small scale artists. There are local music scenes. There are loads of ways of choosing to stream music.
The thing is that people choose to listen to Spotify despite this. And that is a choice.
We have to be careful when talking about things when we start suggesting that people are not smart enough, or motivated enough to know what they want.
Demand is not generated here, but fulfilled. People just want background music. The properties of that music, and its artistic integrity, isnt a factor in that decision, so it is a demand based upon other properties… Brand recognition, user experience and ubiquity.
Again, I’m not defending this, and it isnt something that appeals to me, but it is easier to understand how these revelations will probably not make much of an impact of spotifys business model.
Sure, but can you explain what you mean by that in this context?
Devils advocate moment… If people keep listening (or sort of listening) and they are OK with music that seems to lack any soul, is it not just giving the audience what they want and deserve?
Devils concierge moment… What a bunch of shitbags.
Again, you misunderstand. They arrest you because of your actions and specifically because of the intent.
You misunderstand. Soliciting merely means the act of trying to procure sex for money.
They don’t need a sting for that. They just sit someone near a red light district and roll every car that pulls up and let’s known sex workers get in their car.
Edit: not saying any of that is right though. It certainly feels like punching down… And if anything, it encourages some far more dangerous practices, particularly for sex workers.
Often countries have laws that make the solicitation the illegal act for that exact reason.
Or the arrest folk for conducting their business in public… So lewd behaviour.
If it is behind a paywall, it isnt news, it is an asset.
Yeah, it was a joke. I know.