There’s been a big bump in board games at my library, which I love and I’ve donated to, and one by my sister’s place has a whole tool lending library. Seems super nice for folks that need a power drill once every few years.
Just found Survive (but the original 1982 one, not the reprint), which we’d played a bunch growing up, and it was perfect to play through a couple games of it for nostalgia’s sake without having to buy a game I wouldn’t actually play much at all beyond that.
There’s been a big bump in board games at my library, which I love and I’ve donated to, and one by my sister’s place has a whole tool lending library. Seems super nice for folks that need a power drill once every few years.
That’s cool. What was your latest find?
We are going for board games all the time. My son is six and he loves them
Just found Survive (but the original 1982 one, not the reprint), which we’d played a bunch growing up, and it was perfect to play through a couple games of it for nostalgia’s sake without having to buy a game I wouldn’t actually play much at all beyond that.