I hate birthdays so I am OK with everyone forgetting
I hate birthdays so I am OK with everyone forgetting
Those people are too dumb for their own good. They were destined for failure no matter what.
Why does Trump need to pretend to do something for you?
Trump has your support no matter what. He will rape children but you’ll line up to vote for him.
With that said he’s already in office. Your opinion is meaningless to him. He already got what he needed from you.
They are. But that’s not why it’s banned. US politicians don’t give a flying fuck about the well being of their citizens. How people don’t realize this yet is ASTONISHING.
They are banning it because they can’t control it. They are happy to feed their citizens propaganda as long as it’s THEIR propaganda.
The only thing the US cares about is whether or not they can control and influence their people. That’s hard to do with TikTok around. But if it’s only Facebook and Twitter? Easy.
I’m pretty sure my house got flipped by some DIY morons
Fuck if I know. These people were idiots and did so many stupid things
Ya. Don’t you care at all about your health? Why wouldn’t you check?
It’s not dead and never will die. It just will never be mainstream ever again
Pics or it didn’t happen
I ate a steak
And you need nav lights for takeoff and landing where other craft are coming/going
Says fucking who???
They don’t NEED lights. Only if you’re trying to abide by FAA laws would they NEED lights. They obviously don’t give a fuck about law because they are already breaking several. And these are drones we are talking about for fucks sake not regular aircraft.
The factory must grow
I dunno, why would these need nav lights if they are involved in some secret operation? Who says they are even nav lights?
Ya nothing like some cheap shitty plastic that quickly breaks down to get a job done.
sleeping 12h in a row
Ya this will make anyone groggy. There’s your problem.
Sounds like health issues
Don’t need to move goal posts when nothing has changed. Get back to me with a relevant story.
Meanwhile people are still dying because of claims being denied, which you know, is the whole point of this story, or “goal post”.
Oh look, nothing relevant changed. Looks like my comment still stands.
LOL. Elon is self made? Where did he get that from?
Did he conveniently forget mommy and daddy are rich from their emerald mine?
Self made means you don’t come from wealth and don’t have a support system to make you even more rich.
Your brother is a moron.