Normies do. They vastly outnumber the “barely computer literate”
Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor
Normies do. They vastly outnumber the “barely computer literate”
Levels of shading I currently can only dream of achieving
I’m fully expecting tumpty to change the cover of the latter book, slapping his face on it and the title “Mein Trumpf”, keeping the interior intact
Mark Zuckerberg did not address Meta’s $25 million settlement with Donald Trump that will see the company paying $22 million for the eventual establishment of the Trump Presidential Library.
My biggest surprise is that trump wants to establish a presidential library. Probably has some plan to steal the money from there.
I want to be able to be able to talk about stuff openly, but I am also trying to like, well, we’re trying to build stuff and create value in the world
Hank actually cared about his workers, too.
double post
Hopefully we can also force him to use a 'murican hospital and have his healthcare plan deny paying anything. That would be fun
Care to hand down one? I only have free domains, like stuff that ends with cr.hf or whatever
Why wouldn’t it be? People’s interests don’t bring in money
Mas hoje em dia não é que nem no início dos anos 2000, ter que ficar acordado 2, 3 da madrugada, na expectativa q passasse emanuelle e não uma merda de culto da fé 😆🤣
The Blue Lagoon
Shit, that was a Brazilian afternoon staple for the whole 90s. No idea how much the tv channel censored/cut for the afternoon, but considering we had “banheira do gugu” during sunday afternoons… (if you don’t wanna look for it on youtube, it was a piece where 2 celebrities, a man and a woman, would get in a bathtub and try to get as many soaps out. One of them would be tasked with getting the soap, the other was tasked with not letting the other do so. All of that live for the whole country, of course)
In Brazil, there’s a rhymed saying: “ladrão que rouba ladrão tem 100 anos de perdão”, it translates to “a thief that steals from a thief has 100 years of forgiveness”
They don’t need to read the keystrokes, they need to read what’s in the input box. In programming terms, you’re evaluating the field in real time, you’re not waiting for the “send request”, nor are you keylogging, otherwise the existence of the field would be irrelevant.
logging your keystrokes is quintessential for every online service you interact with
No, it is not. Services expect the “complete” payload, whether a prompt, a text message, or whatever, it doesn’t matter if you typed it, if you copy-pasted it or something else. None of them need to analyze stuff you’ve typed, deleted and never sent.
Ever seen that caricature of a Jew? The one with a huge nose and a grin, curly hair? That’s how the idiots picture all Jews. It doesn’t matter that it’s a racist/xenophobic stereotype, it has a “clear, recognizable face” of the enemy. It creates an image of “the enemy” in their mind
Another important part of alt right bullshit is that they blame people that viewers can easily identify on the streets. Crime? It’s the immigrants and blacks! Shit economy? Jews and the deep state!
So, I guess the only way to fight climate change is by accusing every petrol CEO of being a deep state Jew gay communist
Anticheat became a necessity because too many games decided to remove the ability for players to host their own servers. This sucks a lot when people get some games that have SP/MP but never really bother with the MP part
There’s also the problem that most anticheat software will only stop the laziest cheaters, usually the ones that aren’t willing to pay for the cheating software. There are a bunch of cheat-focused forums and creating the software can be profitable.
it’s just factually incorrect that “The PC is dead”
I think the author’s point on this wasn’t so much that “nobody uses PC anymore”, but rather the concept of a Personal Computer, which you fully owned. There’s also the irony of the first Apple computers being personal computers you could open, fix and modify. Software is where few people feel like they own their computers. Free software being sold to shady companies isn’t new, even FOSS projects have been bought. That’s the main problem the author wants to point out, which is essentially the same as Cory Doctorow’s piece on enshitification.
The author also left this:
I’ve shown this editorial to friends, and some people felt that I did not emphasize the benefits of current technology enough. But I argue that my criticism is less about the actual technology and more about how we use it—and how companies make money from it.
To me, mostly convenience. I do that with anime and, if the show doesn’t grab my attention by halfway of the first episode, I won’t feel like I wasted extra time waiting for the full episode to be downloaded only to decide that nah, not worth it.
Developers didn’t have access to mountains of open source code, online tutorials and stack overflow back then either. Compilers, like Turbo C, also used to be paid products.