That goes in the right direction but I would like a bit more pazaz. Combos and points and flames, you know the deal.
But I will try it. Thanks for the link.
That goes in the right direction but I would like a bit more pazaz. Combos and points and flames, you know the deal.
But I will try it. Thanks for the link.
Who was it?
The only thing truly free are those little pencils at IKEA.
The joke was that it would be incomplete if christian wouldn’t answer your question about Gödel’s incompleteness theorems.
Please never answer this question.
“They are just human after aaaall 🎶”
If you put it into a starter pack, let me know.
I am indifferent to it because i think it is just logical that people laugh about their own jokes. They have a thought that makes them laugh so they want to share it.
Why should I share a joke that doesn’t make me laught?
Isn’t that that just what retro means?
Maybe we are part of an extra terrestrial being. Like the things on our eyelids or blood cells or anyother microscopic lifeforms that are part of our organism.
In that case we are already in contact. So maybe an autoimmune response will be the next step.
I think the question arose from a scenario I was imaging in which a instance goes down and all or some of the content is lost.
Decentralization, I thought would be if all the content gets posted to one instance and then every other instance is just a mirror of that one. In other words, every Lemmy instance has all the content all the time.
But you can’t really? If I remember correctly you still lose all the posts, followers and pretty much everything that you would expect to keep.
Technically you keep your account but let’s be honest, you don’t in the sense people want.
Maybe my knowledge is dated but that is what I recall about moving accounts.
How is mastodon not just a bunch of centralized platforms?
Sure the servers communicate with each other but the content is still just on one of them. Goes the server, so goes the content.
Or am I mistaking?
If it is like I say I feel it is more trading Hitler in for, potentially, a bunch of smaller Hitlers.
Not exactly what I was talking about but I gues I could have formulated that clearer.
Thanks anyway.