Facebook was a wonderful tool for me for quite a while. It let me build a digital list of my irl “friends” and then I got watch over the years as they posted their most vile and ill-conceived innermost thoughts.
An excellent tool for seeing what people really think and feel when they’re not “performing” in social settings. Curiously people don’t understand that public posts to a public SM site aren’t anonymous but there’s enough separation from the “real world” that lots of people forget that.
Just sitting back and watching gave me a lot of insight as to how awful people really are when they “feel like” they aren’t being watched.
You’re wasting your breath. These people are smart enough to know that you can connect (hell, even to an ad-hoc network if you’re so f’king paranoid) once to FW update then hard-reset. These people are just being pissy. They also know that “IF dIsPLaY PIcTuRe No BUg PosSiBLe” are absolutely lying to themselves because they’re not actually that technically illiterate.
I hate it when people pretend to be dumb just to continually underscore a feeble point.