Arcane Season 1 and 2.
Arcane Season 1 and 2.
Emulators are for Nintendo what loud chewing is for most people, not exactly illegal but if you do it you’re gonna get decked.
Luck is not an infinite resource, meaning that when ever you get lucky, somebody else won’t. So you’ll actively will siphon luck from people around you. Good luck with the loneliness, no pun intended
I think there’s a way simpler economic reason. If you have an ensemble of actors, the more scenes they have the more you have to pay. So killing them of one by one is an easy way for a studio to save money (let’s not forget, the US has an Union for their actors). Also we live in the age of sequels so having only a minimal cast transfer between movies means way less contract renegotiations. At least I think it started that way and then just grew into a cultural school of filmmaking in Hollywood. It just became the way you do things.
It might also be an artifact of the popularity of slasher movies from the early 2000s’ where the whole point was to kill characters.
Prevalence of Death in Hollywood movies.
Seriously, how many times does some side character in a Hollywood movie escape death by an inch then looks at the protagonist and smiles, only to be instantly killed anyway.
Or the fact that if there’s a group of people in a horror movie, only the main protagonist and their estranged love interest or child will survive till the end.
Or if the protagonist is shown to have a lovely quiet life with their love interest, they will lose them in the next 5 minutes.
I can excuse the protagonist mowing down some unnamed goons, but Hollywood treats their named side characters as disposable garbage too.
Watch foreign movies and you’ll get what I’m saying. There, a single character death is usually a big deal and a major pivot point for the story.
I’ve recently started watching more biographies and it’s so much more enjoyable knowing that a character isn’t going to suddenly get hit by a bus for having a good time.
😳😳😳 Westerners not voluntarily giving personal information to the Chinese government for 5 seconds [Challenge Impossible (They caught us)] 😵😵💫😧
I struggle to understand my Netflix costs.
That’s true.
Yes a business usually consists of people and is driven by profit, you sted the obvious, but what is your point?
Do people buy their vacuums from Dyson Ltd. or from a guy named Kevin?
It’s not just about profits, it’s about accountability. That’s what the different forms of corporations represent. A singular private person can’t and shouldn’t be held accountable for every product the produce. A business is a layer of protection of limited (Ltd.) accountability. How could anybody be motivated to invent or produce anything if a single miss use of your product that causes any harm (intended or not) could lead to you directly being held responsible and possible going to jail. A business on the other hand usually has limited accountability but is also held to a much higher standard of quality and proof than a private individual ever could.
That’s what I’m trying to say. Losing Twitter isn’t a big deal.
Businesses are the ones that produce food, medicine, clothes, build houses, print books, provide gas and electricity, build roads, etc. There are businesses that have outlasted monarchies and democracies. I’m not a corpo schmuck but small businesses are the soul of the soul of our society.
That’s a bad idea because of how reliant small businesses are on social media advertising. A regulation like that would essentially screw over every business that isn’t rich enough to go to bigger advertising venues.
The Expanse has so many memorable quotes.
“I’m a leaf in the wind.”
Said by Wash the pilot in the movie Serenity. I tend to whisper that to myself when things aren’t going my way and I need a reminder to just go with the flow.
With women, bathroom talk. With the boys we always talk about shit and piss and crack each other up. But mention anything related to that around a girl, she’ll look at you as if you killed her dog.
Didn’t it drop yesterday by like 20%?