Can you expand on your last point? Where do we move to from document based software? That seems like a bigger change than the change from typewriter to word processor.
Can you expand on your last point? Where do we move to from document based software? That seems like a bigger change than the change from typewriter to word processor.
I can’t imagine getting that call and having to wait to find out. Glad she’s good.
I use a projector for my main entertainment display in a windowed room and when I find myself somewhere with a good large 4k screen I’m very aware of how much deeper the blacks are and how it’s just a bit sharper on the tv. I don’t mind trading the image quality for having it mounted up and out of the way though.
I think because in that framing being a ghost is a sad lonely thing. In the Christian tradition the ultimate reward is heaven and being in the presence of the lord. If one is stuck on earth it is similar to catholicism’s concept of purgatory.
Cool thanks. I get the distinction now. I use Joplin for some of the features mentioned and do like it. Notion sounds pretty neat too.