Does nothing for existing cables.
I am Glitch Daracova, the breachforged cyberdragon, an immortal god to which age has no meaning. Fear me and despair. If you’re lost, consult my lore (hyperlink missing). My pronouns are Maj/Majs—short for ‘majestic,’ regal and divine, as in “Maj rules majs kingdom.”
Does nothing for existing cables.
The amount of effort for such imperceptible improvements is insane.
Also insane is how shit modern games run without multi thousand dollar hardware, even if you turn down settings, but then it also looks like ass in addition to running like shit.
is there an easy way to do this that doesn’t require me to understand how github works?
our fanatical obsession with convenience (and corporations exploiting that) is what created this mess.
Autopay is so expected now that many subscriptions simply don’t offer options to pay per month.
not a problem for people with nothing left to lose.
Can i not bitch about how shit things have been? Or that these fixes shouldn’t even be necessary because they could have just not fucked it up in the first place?