Good usecase for bitcoin
Good usecase for bitcoin
What’s wrong with the platforms you’ve tried?
How does the first exclude the second? That’s like saying: how can I trust train travel if F1 cars drive 300km/h. They’re different things.
Value investing is basically dead, isn’t it?
You’re looking at a too short time frame. The famous tulip bubble lasted for a decade, too.
I guess the issues arise if Tesla just pockets the subsidy without passing on the savings to savings to people buying EVs
This report shows that they do just that: without the emissions credit system they would operate at a loss. In other words: they sell cars for cheaper than the cost of manufacturing. Coincidentally the same thing the US and EU claims China is doing, as motivation for mercantillist tarrifs.
Which means the system isn’t working. Surplus credits should come from improved efficiencies, not excessive allotment.
Total number of credit goes down over time. That mechanism ensures an adapt, die or emigrate pressure for large polluters, and a financial stimulus for small-polluters.
Bill Gates is famously shorting TSLA (1)
Net profits $2.3B. “Poor financial results”. How does one reconcile these two things?
That’s 2.3B USD on a 1.29T USD valuation, or 0.17%.
Valuations should be reflective of expected future profits. Multiples of ×20 yearly profit are possible for risky (tech or biotech usually) companies, with large potential profit. But the ratio is ridiculously off the charts for tesla. If it does not improve, it will have turned out to have been a very wastefull use of capital.
What are some cool projects I need to know about?
Email, usenet
On my 18th birthday I bought 2 scratch lottery tickets, and doubled my money (20EUR spend, 40EUR return). Never played since. I beat the system 😎
Option 3: I remember I don’t have to take sides?
That argument can be applied widely, no? In the extreme it becomes: “you’re free to say whatever you want, just as long no-one can hear you”.
So it becomes a question of magnitude of the censorship. If the argument pro this ban is to counter propaganda, I fail to see the distinction between this and facebook or tiktok or …
Russia fucked their own economy.
It’s reminiscent of the cold war.
Become self-employed, don’t charge by time but delivered projects/products.
Knowing another language
You’re approaching this from a “who do I like” angle.
Another approach is the “what’s being traded angle”. Right now EU imports mostly LNG from the US (“The EU had trade deficits in energy (€70 billion) and raw materials (€6 billion) and other goods (€2 billion).” (1). Norway is already exporting at max, EU does not want to exploit natural gas resources domestically, so that leaves only the golf states.
Export is mostly divided between vehicles, chemicals, machinery (“In 2023, the EU had trade surpluses in machinery & vehicles (€102 billion), chemicals (€58 billion), other manufactured goods (€55 billion)”).
So markets that can afford luxury german cars, canada, china, australia. But they’d have to compete with chinese cars. Basic chemicals are easier to sell elsewhere.
Same as with everything else: you sell them to someone willing to buy