🌈 Now we know! 💯
🌈 Now we know! 💯
Ah so the guy in Scenario A actually writes a piece of text which the SCP consumes. If he drew an image, nothing would happen?
I love that. So he only likes pictures? If you write text, he will still take you?
Lmao, didn’t notice that but I can actually see it
A nice white background on a red backdrop would communicate our bold passion
“Ooh I’m sorry, petrol no longer works in your car. Yeah sorry. Yeah, I know it used to, but we took the gas tank out for safety reasons.”
The Apple Exec: “let’s remove the tyre altogether, and sell it piecemeal back to the driver”
Good shout!
Heh, I think you’ve just pissed off Welsh/Irish/Scottish people with that sentiment.
*sneezes* *snorts* *coughs* *clears throat* *yodelays*
I’m sorry, what was your question
I’m onboard with Wales. Let Wales rule for a bit.
Sure your country’s high grammar might be consistent, but the general day-to-day would have influences from other languages that can’t be so neatly categorised, and their pronounciation would differ from region to region
Cinderella and the Hardwood Floor
It adds a new dimension to assholery. An asshole for assholes sake is much more loveable than asshole for sake of bad creed
Yeah that’s what I’m feeling
that’s brilliant!
If Arch was an airline, it would support single carrier planes carrying nothing but one passenger along with a bag of rice, and landing would be an optional feature to worry about once in the air.
GPL and MIT are at a beer hall.
MIT jumps on a table. “Anyone who sits at this table, has a beer on me!” yells MIT, and is met with a roar of applause.
GPL jumps on another table. “Anyone who sits at this table, has a beer on me, but only if they share it with a friend” says GPL, and is met with a small confused smattering of applause.
As the day goes on, people start to populate the tables, drinking to their health, to their gods, and to their loved ones. The MIT table is clearly more popular, with the chicken dance in full swing as people clink their mugs; a stark contrast to the GPL table singing depressing songs like Ay Carmela and everyone topping off each others beers with their own.
Finally the day comes to an end and the High Waiter comes to take payment.
The GPL table weren’t really paying attention to who owes what to who with all the beer topping, so they just count the number of people and the number of beers, and throw a pile of scrunched up coins at the waiter which he genially sorts and accepts.
The MIT table pat each other farewell, and assure the waiter that MIT himself will settle the debt. However, once the table clears, MIT is nowhere to be found in sight. As GPL goes to grab his coat from the cloakroom, he spots MIT coming back from the bathroom, unaware that the party is over.
“Hey”, says GPL, “your friends have left and you need to settle your tab.”
MIT looks out of the window and sees all the people he has been drinking with leaving in flashy cars, and limousines. He stares at his wallet.
“I don’t get it.” he says, “I gave them free beer, and this is how they repay me?”
“We at NixOS, we’d rather piss ourselves than pull down our trousers!”
well it’s better then forking them