You need financial stability to pursue founding, though… especially right now.
You need financial stability to pursue founding, though… especially right now.
ADHD time blindness activate!
On that note… it might make sense to set a really low withholding this year.
He’s frequently confused as the originator of a really good salad… but I’m not really into Baseball so that’s pretty much all I know about Ty Cobb.
People can always embed their username/handle into the meme - if they do it’d be rude to crop it out… if they don’t then I think it’s usually safer to censor the OP’s handle as a default action.
Maybe things are changing in the influencer world but a lot of memes start out as niche in jokes and users may not want to be associated with how they’re used by other people.
We’ve certainly seen the opposite where a bunch of memes gain ground with people and end up falling into disfavor when people discover the original intent (aka fucking Steven Crowder). So detaching it from the originator just feels safer.
I’d genuinely suggest self hosting the reports on a site you control (possibly using a CRM that’s self hosted of some sort of hosting service) and then just link it into various places.
As simple as fuck static content webserver can be run on random extra hardware you have lying around or a budget cloud instance and domain names are cheap.
Firefox does not show a handcuff symbol for nebula’s video player - so it looks safe for DRM concerns. The video player also seems to just be a plain old video tag though there may be sneaky JS stuff happening to it - while I’ve worked extensively on web apps media serving using modern html is out of my wheelhouse.
I do indeed and I’m uncertain if their built in video players use DRM. My guess would be probably because they likely used some off the shelf video streaming library and most of those come built on top of restricted technologies.
I think I’ll continue to use ad block guilt free. I support some creators directly through patreon and that’s far more effective than ad revenue.
I think that ad supported video content is pretty darn convenient, but the fact that YouTube is free is a benefit to them, not to me… I don’t think ad supported video content is something that we need and I’d prefer to have reasonably priced subscriptions like Nebula.
AI is a tool and a lot of fields used it successfully prior to the chatgpt craze. It’s excellent for structural extraction and comprehension and it will slowly change the way most of us work but there’s a hell of a craze right now.
The fact that the Paris Commune existed is just fucking awesome. It was just a confluence of luck that is statistically staggering.
The Haudenosaunee confederation was pretty fucking swell from a governance and justice perspective. And it’s formation, while not ending war by any means, brought on a really stable period of mostly peace.
Your urethra is going to be really fucking sore.
Nah. I’d rather go unnoticed by everyone outside those I love.
You should get a new drive when yours breaks - its usually pretty obvious when that’s happening.
You absolutely should ensure your important files are backed up though, even on a brand new drive.
It would not change my opinion because anything he does is either grift or a distraction from his grift.
Honestly? Because we have blogs (and RSS kinda counts as a platform if you squint).
If you’re tech/freedom minded and want to share your thoughts you’re probably just running a blog and following the blogs of other people you find interesting.
The only thing you miss out on with just using blogs is a content prioritization algorithm… but, tbh, are there that many things you actually give a shit about that you’d get overwhelmed and want to ignore some of it? Or did Facebook & other social media stuff just build platforms that constantly shovel random shit at users that requires such an algorithm.
So yea, probably just blogs… optionally collected into an RSS reader.
A lot.
I know there’s a proportion that were simply ignorant and tuned out of politics… but most Trump voters did so over the very loud objections of trans relatives or while openly embracing the nativism.
Lastly, I think that Harris did a terrible job advocating for her election and she owns a fair portion of the blame as well.
Trump wasn’t an unknown this time. He attempted to subvert our election process and he’s a convicted rapist. He openly embraced corruption during his last term and is already shilling crypto bullshit.
Trump voters are terrible selfish people - end of story.
I think you’re well aware that small political differences shouldn’t get in the way of family and have worked to be tolerant in the past.
You’re not an asshole. You’re an adult. You shouldn’t do this lightly but if you’ve given this serious consideration you should follow your heart.
Small class sizes with alternative teaching methods were absolutely invaluable to my ADHD ass before diagnosis. I was the stereotypical “Gosh he’s gifted but he’s always so lazy” ADHD kid so small class sizes (it was a group of four of us) to really focus on math kept me engaged and from falling into the ADHD death spiral.
Yea, I grew up in America and ended up being fluent in Canadian as well. I ended up emigrating there even.
I’ve got a friend from Catalonia and he’s fluent in English, Spanish and Catalan… and can get by in French.